Wood Volumes
To do something useful with the panel offcuts, we manufacture
our own volumes. We can also make the volumes in double texture or completely smooth on request.
Große Kunden wie die Blockfabrik schätzen unsere Angebote nach Skizze und speziell auch unsere Qualität schon seit Jahren!
Customized volumes
If the volume you have in mind - for example to create a
to defuse an unpleasant overhang in your climbing facility - nor
is not in the list, you can also send us a sketch of how you
imagine it. We draw it in 3D and make you a
corresponding offer.
Outdoor versions
We also make outdoor versions from melamine resin bonded
birch plywood panels with UV protection and NIRO flanges.
Therapy grips & kicks
We sell PhysioClimb physiotherapy grip and step sets with our walls.